Clint Eastwood was his usual candid self when speaking with Extra TV about his now-infamous "empty chair" speech at the Republican National Convention.

"If somebody's dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something, they're gonna have to take what they get," the veteran actor told an Extra correspondent during a one-on-one interview about his upcoming film Trouble with the Curve (skip to 2:15 in the video below).

Asked if Mitt Romney was that "somebody," Eastwood initially said "yeah," before adding, "actually, he had some of his people ask."

In another interview on today's episode of Ellen, Eastwood poked some more fun at his rambling diatribe, saying "the Democrats who were watching thought I was going senile, and the Republicans knew I was."

Clint Eastwood on RNC Speech: Anyone 'Dumb Enough' to Ask Me to Speak at a Political Convention Gets What They Get
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[photo via AP]