Modern-day Liz Taylor and Amanda Bynes enemy Lindsay Lohan was rushed to the hospital for a lung infection last night.

This latest trauma follows Lindsay's self-diagnosis of "walking pneumonia," if you believe any of that. Previous reports indicated that LiLo was faking it, which would make her recent trip to the hospital all the more suspect. (Pull it together, Linds. You can't deprive the world of greatness.)

Allegedly, Lohan was treated at Mt. Sinai where she received antibiotics for the infection and was discharged. She's currently recovering in her New York hotel room.

But that shouldn't stop us from speculating about the real reason Lohan was rushed to the hospital — did the girl who cried walking pneumonia actually get fluid in her lungs? Or is this all an elaborate cover-up to distract from the real problem?

Who can say. I just really hope she's doing press for Liz & Dick.

Apparently Lohan was treated for complications from asthma. Apparently.

[Image via Diane L. Cohen/]