The University of Tennessee chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity has just been suspended after its members began embracing the Real Housewives of New York City lifestyle a little too enthusiastically.

A 20-year-old brother ended up in the hospital early Saturday morning with severe alcohol poisoning, after having wine squirted up his rectum in a practice known as "butt chugging."

Alcohol inserted up the butt gets absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly and potently than alcohol consumed in more traditional ways like flaming shots and rum cakes. Wine inserted up the butt has the added benefit of being a little classy.

The Knoxville News Sentinel reports that police who arrived at the Pike house on Saturday stumbled upon a scene not unlike the one that unfolded every night during the Housewives' recent three-episode stint in St. Barth's: several young men passed out in various bedrooms, "and bags from wine boxes, some empty and some partially empty, strewn across the halls and rooms."

The boy whose butt chugged an unladylike amount of wine arrived at the University of Tennessee Medical Center emergency room with a blood alcohol level believed to be "well over" 0.40 percent. He has since been discharged.

The UT chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was previously suspended in 2008, when three pledges contracted staph infections "after being made to do exercises on a bathroom floor" as part of a hazing ritual.

White or red, do you think?

(Knoxville News Sentinel // Image via Beyond Elements/flickr)