Several congressional staffers employed by Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) were caught on camera directing "Indian war whoops" and "tomahawk chops" at supporters of Senate race opponent Elizabeth Warren outside a Boston pub this week.

Local ABC affiliate WCVB confirmed that Brown's Deputy Chief of Staff Greg Casey and his Constituent Service Counsel Jack Richard were among the staffers visible in the footage posted to YouTube by Blue Mass Group.

Also in attendance at the rally were State Director Jerry McDermott, special assistant Jennifer Franks and GOP operative Brad Garnett.

The chants are in reference to Warren's claim that she has Native American blood through her mother who was allegedly part Cherokee and part Delaware Indian.

Brown, who released a campaign ad this week attacking Warren on her heritage claims, told WCVB that, while he "certainly" doesn't condone his staffers' behavior, "the real offense is that (Warren) said she was white and then checked the box saying she is Native American, and then she changed her profile in the law directory once she made her tenure."

Correction: A previous version of this post incorrectly identified GOP operative Brad Garnett as Brad Garrett.

[video via BlueMassGroup2012]