
The Romney Family Voted on Mitt's Run, and Decided 10-2 Against

Max Read · 07/02/13 08:12AM

Over Christmas holidays in 2010, Adam Sandler movie bad guy Mitt Romney polled his family and held a vote as to whether he should run for president. The result: Two said yes. The other ten—Romney himself included—said no.

Nine News Organizations Sent a Letter to Romney Campaign Challenging Expenses

Taylor Berman · 12/18/12 01:06AM

Six weeks after the election, nine news outlets are questioning the financial propriety of the Romney campaign after receiving several exorbitant bills. The news organizations, which include the New York Times, the Washington Post, BuzzFeed and the Los Angeles Times, wrote a letter to the campaign, asking for detailed price breakdowns of any event that cost them $200 or more. While it's normal for campaigns to bill media outlets for various expenses, including food and travel costs, the Romney campaign's charges seem excessive by almost any standard.

Hold Your Applause, The GOP Is Not Dead Yet

Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/27/12 02:35PM

Barack Obama won a significant mandate, including swing states in the traditionally GOP-strong south. The Republicans have been handed a resounding defeat, sending pundits sniping at one another and assigning blame. The party's wise men have been exposed, and its fundamental demographics, economics and social politics have all been called into question.

Obama Didn't Trust Romney to Use Unmanned Drones to Kill Innocent People

MTanzer · 11/25/12 02:38PM

This November's foreign policy debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney left many Americans realizing that the two candidate's policies were pretty similar, regardless of their thoughts about bayonets. But no matter how alike their policies seemed to the average citizen, President Obama apparently wasn't okay with the thought of a Romney kill list or having the former Massachusetts governor having free rein over America's army of unmanned drones.

'I Felt That It Was My Duty': Dick Morris Speaks Openly About Why He Predicted a Romney Landslide

Cord Jefferson · 11/13/12 08:30PM

At the end of October, disgraced former Clinton adviser turned Fox News contributor Dick Morris predicted Mitt Romney was going to win in a landslide. "Pollster John McLaughlin and I went through the actual results of the last four elections and on average, the Republicans had 1 percent more than the Democrats," Morris said in an interview with Bill O'Reilly about the New York Times' poll. "So that poll is off by a factor of 8. So instead of Obama winning by 1, Romney would win Florida by 7."