New York's Finest Bills Parents for Damage to Cop Car That Killed Their Son

When they're not busy cold rapin' ladies, members of the New York City Police Department often like to run over black people with their cars, as two of them allegedly did to Tamon Robinson earlier this year in Queens, killing him. Robinson ran after the cops tried to stop him for removing paving stones from the street, so they drove up onto the sidewalk and ran him over, with their car. Anyway he died but there was a pretty big dent in the cop car so last month they sent a repair bill to his grieving family. Freedom isn't free, people.
From the New York Daily News:
The 27-year-old coffee barista died in April after being struck by an NYPD squad car that began chasing him as he swiped paver stones in the predawn light at his Brooklyn housing project.
Now his mom's being chased anew, hounded by a collection agency hired by the city with a cruel final demand, the Daily News has learned.
The city has ordered her to pay the $710 cost of repairing the police car that killed her boy.
"We're still grieving, and this is like a slap in the face," Robinson's mom, Laverne Dobbinson, 45, told The News.
Robinson's death is still under investigation by the NYPD's internal affairs unit and the Brooklyn district attorney's office, and his family has notified the city of its intent to sue over the incident. In fact, the city's effort to repair the vehicle that killed Robinson could be considered an attempt to destroy evidence in those inquiries, which makes the bill all the more galling.
The NYPD says it was Robinson that ran into the police car, doing $710 in damage and killing himself in the process.