Some asshole tried to sell a James Holmes Halloween mask on eBay today. The initial bid for the mask, which was listed by user "realface13," was set at $500. By noon, eBay had deleted the posting.

"The listing was removed because it did not comply with our Offensive Materials policy. Out of respect for victims of violent crimes, eBay does not allow listings that attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering," eBay told ABC News in an email.

The actual ad was about as creepy and awful as you'd expect.

"SHOCK EVERYONE YOU KNOW!" the eBay ad read. "There is nothing more scary than crawling into James Holmes mind and wearing his face. His ‘soul penetrating eyes' and ‘The Joker' orange hair makes this mask the most disturbing object you will ever own. Imagine owning the mask of supposedly the most dangerous mass murderer in US history."

Victims of the attack were, of course, disgusted.

Josh Nolan, a single father of two who was shot in the leg and in the arm at the theater, says the mask is over the line.

"Are you kidding me?" the Iraq war veteran told ABC News. "That just took the cake right there. I'm too upset to think about it."

The poster claimed to have won the mask in a "high-stakes poker tournament in Europe" and said it was custom designed for a private collection.

[Image via eBay]