Last March, Sarah Walker and her husband were arrested for soliciting a golden shepherd for sex via a Craigslist ad titled "Wife looking for K9." In June, both her and the husband escaped with probation after pleading guilty to charges of "conspiracy to commit bestiality."

After a long summer of not being in the news, Walker is back in legal trouble, although this time she was wrongly accused. Walker was pulled over in Phoenix on Friday, and then arrested and jailed for allegedly unpaid fines related to her bestiality charge.

"I said, ‘I'm current on all my fines, this can't be right,'" she said.

It turns out she was right. Walker was released without having to face a judge, but not before spending 16 hours in jail.

"I thought, 'How could this happen?'" she told KASW-TV. "This shouldn't happend to anyone."

True, but especially true for convicted attempted dog fuckers.

[Image via Maricopa County Sheriff's Office]