
Beast-Porn Case Ends When Sex Tiger Turns Out to Be Man in Tiger Suit

Aleksander Chan · 10/28/14 09:55AM

Andrew Holland, a bus driver in Wales, was accused of being in possession of "extreme porn" of a woman having sex with a tiger. He was cleared of the charge in December 2009—after six months on bail—after police noticed the "tiger" in the video say, "That's grrrrrrreat," in an apparent homage to Tony the Tiger.

Dog-Fucking Veterinarian Loses License Over Dog-Fucking

Andy Cush · 07/29/14 08:25AM

It takes a special kind of zoophile, one would imagine, to seek work as a veterinarian. Assuming you'd like to keep your secret love a secret, aren't there other, less conspicuous occupations you could hold?