[There was a video here]

Mitt Romney just finished delivering a speech called "The Mantle of Leadership" at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. It was billed by his campaign as a major foreign policy speech.

Romney was, unsurprisingly, critical of President Obama's foreign policy. of Obama's responses to turmoil in Libya, the nuclear threat of Iran, and U.S.'s relationship with Israel. Romney did, however, mention several of Obama's "real accomplishments," most notably, the death of Osama bin Laden. Romney also stated that he does not believe the attack last month in Benghazi - which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens - was in response to the controversial "Innocence of Muslims" YouTube video.

Also, as you'll see in the video above, he made some comments about Afghanistan in which he seems to say that he'd stick with President Obama's plan for withdrawal, but also leaves the door open to keeping troops in the country past 2014.