In a video interview last Friday, Ethel Kennedy offered another ringing endorsement of her grandson Conor Kennedy's girlfriend, Taylor Swift. In the past, Ethel has limited herself to enthusiastic "I hope so"s when asked about Swift (Will Conor and Taylor get married? "I hope so!" Will Swift move next door? "I hope so!"). But at a charity golf tournament last Friday, Ethel practically gushed when an interviewer inquired about the constantly surprised pop star:

She is just spectacular. She's just sensational. She's very kind. You know what she really is? She's game. She had never sailed before. She had never gone dragging before. She played anything that everyone else was doing, and she was good at it. No fuss. I'm happy we'll be neighbors. I'm thrilled.

How embarrassing that Swift had never sailed before. As for dragging, well, no one knows what that is but still, Swift obviously should've studied up on obscure rich person sports before trying to hang with the Kennedys.

Ethel also sort of said her grandson was totally in love with Swift. When asked if Conor had feelings for Swift, Ethel didn't miss a beat:

Yes, how could you not. I think the world does.

She also said something about a charity in Haiti (boring), and then she hit a golfball.