Watching Lady Gaga get car jacked gives us a bit of real satisfaction. She's been slacking off lately and at this point, we seriously would have to consider not giving her a spot at VH1's Divas. The video for Die Antwoord's "Fatty Boom Boom" may give her the kick in the pants she needs to get back on track.

Die Antwoord, the South African rave-rap group, never makes a boring video. Take a look at the black and white thriller of "I Fink U Freeky" or the hazy pastel world of "Babys On Fire" for proof of that.

This new video does not disappoint and features "Lady Gaga" taking a guided tour through South Africa that gets disrupted by hijackers.

"Gaga" later visits a gynecologist to get a live bug removed from her genitals, while Die Antwoord dances in front of a graffitied wall of "evil things," which includes drawn heads of Kanye West and Nicki Minaj.

The video climaxes with the meat dress clad singer getting eaten up by lion, just like she deserves for her recent crimes against Divadom: Her visit with Julian Assange was too pointless to even start with, but it's stupidity was eclipsed by her phony fight with M.I.A. The hawking she's done to sell her perfume is really embarrassing and you still haven't rid the world of bullying. Oh, and her restaurant sucks.

Off to the lion cages where you belong, Ms. Germanotta.