Kate Gosselin Was Fired From Blogging About Coupons

Barbs are flying in the high stakes world of online coupon blogging after professional baby-haver Kate Gosselin was fired yesterday from her job ghostwriting blog posts about saving money sometimes.
An example of Gosselin's unique brand of thrifty advice: to save money on joining a public pool, simply already have a private pool:
Obviously, having a pool helps to cut costs of joining the local pool as many families do to beat the heat and the unavoidable long school-less days of summer.
Gosselin's firing was announced in the most showboat-y way possible by Scott Kluth, the CEO of CouponCabin, a company you have now heard of because Kate Gosselin got fired from there. In a letter posted on the "Kate Gosselin Savings Tips" section of the company website, Kluth accused Gosselin of being a fake-ass trick, not capable of working with decent human beings:
"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin."
In the comments, couponnoisseurs rejoiced, finally able to BREATHE and COUPON once more now that the dark reign of Kate Gosselin's weekly coupon blog had ended.
"It is about time. There was not ONE GOOD COUPON tip she EVER contributed to this … site. "
"Thank Goodness! I have stayed away from Coupon Cabin once I heard that Kate Gosselin was a part of it. As a result of your integrity and consumer conscious move to disassociate with Ms. 'Gimme More' Gosselin, I've made Coupon Cabin one of my 'favorite' websites and will follow regularly!!"
Judging from the reactions to Gosselin's previous appearances on the site, it seems discord had been swirling for some time among readers.
One comment on Kate's final post, dated October 15, suggested she lied about performing several D.I.Y. projects around her home the week prior, since she had spent most of the week prior away from home in New York City.
Mady Gosselin is not going to be happy about this. (Nothing new there; Mady hates everything.)