An elderly Connecticut woman who experienced the second World War first-hand was arrested this week and charged with sixth-degree larceny and breach of peace for removing three signs depicting President Obama with Adolf Hitler's signature mustache.

"I just got very angry that they would do that to [President] Obama's image," 80-year-old Nancy Lack of Hebron told NBC Connecticut.

The posters were supporting the campaign of controversial perennial presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, and called for Obama's impeachment.

The message wasn't what got Lack so hot and bothered — it was the casual use of Nazi symbolism. "My generation went through the Second World War," she said, "and Nazism is about the worst there can be."

Lack collected the posters and put them in her car as LaRouche supporter watched. "I said, 'Make sure you get my license plate," she recalled.

As for her arrest, Lack was surprised but understanding. "I guess I deserved it. I stole the posters," she told the news outlet.

Lack is due in court next week. A conviction could mean up to three months in jail and a fine.

[H/T: Dangerous Minds, screengrabs via NBC Connecticut]