In a recent interview with Finnish journalist (and former United Nations undersecretary general) Elisabeth Rehn, Kim Han-sol, the grandson of deceased North Korean looker-at-things Kim Jong Il, called his Uncle Kim Jong-un a "dictator." Despite the obviousness of the statement, this is big news because, well, there probably aren't too many people in his family willing to say shit like that in public, if at all.

The interview, which took place in Bosnia, where the 17-year-old Han-sol is studying, was revelatory in other ways, too. For instance, the Washington Post notes Han Sol was wearing "hipster glasses," which means he was wearing glasses. (Plus, his granddad's glasses were way more "hipster"-ish.)

Also noteworthy: the young Korean expat never met his grandfather:

''I was actually waiting for him... till before he passed away, hoping he would come find me, because I really didn't know if he knew that I existed," he said.

That's almost sort of sad. He also talked about his dad, Kim Jong-nam, the elder son of Kim Jon Il and a notorious Disney World-loving fuck up who was passed over for leadership.

"My dad was definitely not really interested in politics," Kim Han-sol said, when asked why his father was passed over for succession.

Han-sol also seems like a decent enough kid. ''I would like to engage in more humanitarian projects, work to contribute to building world peace, especially back home because that is a really important part of me,'' he said in the interview.

Nevermind that would be waste of time, considering North Korea is all joyful dolphinariums and world class flowers.