[There was a video here]

Soledad O'Brien welcomed former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on her CNN show Starting Point this morning. The conversation was about Libya at first, until it was about Rudy Giuliani's weird spin room denial answers.

O'Brien asked Giuliani to respond to a clip she played of Matthew Dowd—who used to work for President Bush—speaking on ABC's This Week. Dowd stated that in his experience it often takes weeks, if not months, to get a the full story when it comes to intelligence gathering. Dowd had said that he would not be surprised if the White House had received false information before and/or after the attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. When Giuliani accused her of blaming the Benghazi attack on President Bush, O'Brien dismantled the one-time presidential candidate.

You've got to stop putting words in my mouth, Sir. Seriously? Hang on, let me finish ... Every time I ask you a question you like to push back as if somehow the question that's being posed to you is unfair. It's not. I'm a journalist, you said some things, I'm trying to get some accurate responses from you. You are welcome to answer.

The two continued to spar over O'Brien's determination to do her job (report the facts) and Giuliani's to do his (spin the truth).