French protesters who gathered in Marseilles yesterday to protest a bill allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt were momentarily silenced by the sight of two comely counter-protesters engaged in a full-on make out session.

The priceless scene was snapped by AFP photographer Gérard Julien, and was shared thousands of times on various social networks and sites

A local gay magazine caught up with he couple and asked them about their PDA counter-protest. The two — Julia and Auriane — revealed that they are actually straight, and their impromptu kiss was the only thing they could think to do to show their disdain for the anti-gay demonstrators.

"It was useless to talk to them because they are standing their ground," Julia told the magazine, noting that the women around their were shouting "you're disgusting" as they smooched.

The protest in Marseilles was just one of 75 similar "flash mob" demonstrations organized by Alliance Vita — a group founded by Christian Democratic Party leader Christine Boutin.

[photo via @sarnaudAFP]