Great news if you love storms, you bastard: weather models are predicting that a second nor'easter will sweep up the East Coast just in time for Election Day next week.

Weathermen are tripping all over themselves to tell people that this storm won't be nearly as bad as the last one, though.

"Expert Senior Meteorologist" Alex Sosnowski of even throws out some boldface type to emphasize that this storm is not another horrifying Frankenstorm that will destroy homes and break New York City and it's like wow, Alex, way too much jazz and excitement for one blog post, have a glass of room temperature water and sit down, please.

Fortunately, there are no equals to Sandy to be found on the weather forecast maps.

The storm we're looking at will unfold Tuesday evening into Thursday, and is expected to either:

1) sweep up along the coast, bringing rain and wind to the mid-Atlantic and New England (possibly even some more snow to inland areas)


2) swing out over the ocean before looping back to hit just the northernmost part of New England

The main concern is that any storm off the coast will likely bring further beach erosion and minor flooding to the areas already hardest hit by Sandy.

It will certainly hamper clean-up efforts and make an already joyless task a bit more miserable.

- Caity

(Image via