Following President Obama's re-election last night, rational people (conservative and liberal alike) continued on with their lives, business as usual. But in Mississippi, this was not to be.

You see, plenty of people are upset Mitt Romney lost. Many of those enraged are millionaires and religious zealots. But there is another group—a group of University of Mississippi students—who are angry as well. Last night they gathered on campus in front of several dorms to protest the re-election of a black president.

Local media reports that "hundreds of Ole Miss students exchanged racial epithets and violent, politicized chants" across campus. As many as 400 students are said to have participated. There are also reports that several students were arrested during the protest, though none have been officially charged. There were mixed reports about whether or not rocks were thrown as well.

Reader Jason sent us a copy of a letter sent out by the University of Mississippi's Chancellor Daniel W. Jones in which he apologizes for the students saying in part:

The reports of the use of racial language by some have been confirmed by our campus police. The University leadership strongly condemns this kind of behavior and is embarrassed that any students associated with the university would use this kind of language. Our university creed calls for the respect of each individual and for fairness and civility. The investigation of this event will be thorough and individuals found in violation of any law will be referred to appropriate authorities. Individuals found in violation of university policy will be dealt with appropriately through the student conduct process.

No word on whether the state's racist former governor Haley Barbour was there as well, suggesting we brand and/or sodomize the president.

[H/T, WMC-TV and The Daily Mississippian // Image via Twitter, the account the picture originally appeared on has since been protected]