During a live report on Argentina's ongoing anti-crime and government corruption demonstrations, Nestor Dib, a reporter for the local news channel Canal 5 Noticias was sucker punched from behind by a protester later identified as Nicolas Ayuso.

Dib was able to quickly loosen Ayuso's grip, allowing the police to move in and arrest him. Despite sustaining a black eye, Dib continued reporting from the scene.

For his part, Ayuso took to Twitter to defend his actions, alleging Dib and other C5N employees had been harassing him all afternoon.

He linked to a YouTube video showing the events leading up to the sneak attack in an effort to show that the altercation was not one-sided.

After many commenters continued to claim that Ayuso was clearly the aggressor, he posted a more conciliatory Twitter update asking his compatriots to stop being so violent.

[H/T: Telegraph]