
Daily Mail: Obama Danced With the Literal Devil

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/31/16 02:02PM

Shocking news out of Argentina’s seething, sweat-streaked strip club of a country—the woman who led Obama in a sultry tango last week at a State Dinner had been expressly forbidden from rubbing her harlot body against him, and she did it anyway.

Man Found Dead in the Arms of His Lover, a Scarecrow in a Wig

Jay Hathaway · 04/03/15 01:20PM

A lonely Argentine shepherd was found dead in his bed Tuesday, lying next to what initially appeared to investigators to be another person, but was quickly determined to be a scarecrow outfitted with "special features," including jeans, lipstick, a wig, and a 6-inch plastic sex tube.

Arrest Warrant For Argentine President Found at Home of Dead Prosecutor

Jordan Sargent · 02/03/15 04:40PM

A draft of a warrant ordering the arrest of Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and foreign minister Héctor Timerman was found at the apartment of Alberto Nisman, a prosecutor who was shot to death in his home last month. Nisman was set to testify the next day in front of the country's congress that de Kirchner had conspired with Iran to cover up the cause of a 1994 bombing that killed 85 people in Buenos Aires.

Was An Argentinian Prosecutor Killed to Cover Up an Iranian Terror Plot?

Jordan Sargent · 01/23/15 10:15AM

For the past 10 years, an Argentinian prosecutor named Alberto Nisman had been investigating a 1994 bombing at a Jewish community center that killed 85 people in Buenos Aires. This past Sunday, he was found dead in his high rise apartment with a gunshot wound to his head. Originally, the Argentinian government claimed Nisman committed suicide, but yesterday president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner reversed course in a bizarre letter that intimates Nisman was murdered.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/14 09:53AM

Clinton-era Secretary of State Madeline Albright is now working to help billionaire hedge fund mogul Paul Singer legally extort money from the people of Argentina, because ultimately even "respectable leaders" are for sale, and never forget that.

Aleksander Chan · 08/07/14 11:00PM

Angelito Ribero, dressed as folk saint Gauchito Gil, stands outside the San Cayetano church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Legend holds that Gil was a 19th century outlaw who robbed the rich to give to the poor. His spirit is believed to perform miracles. Image by Natacha Pisarenko via AP.

"World's Biggest Dinosaur" Found In Argentina

Kelly Conaboy · 05/17/14 10:00AM

Scientists in Argentina have uncovered the bones of a creature believed to be the world's biggest dinosaur. The big guy would have weighed 77 metric tons, seven heavier than the previous record holder, the Argentinosaurus. Truly a sad day to be the ghost of an Argentinosaurus.

What It's Like To Get an Abortion in a Country Where It's Illegal

Rich Juzwiak · 02/13/14 05:10PM

The focus of this week's episode of the U.K.'s Secrets of South America was Argentina (last week's, featuring the clip of the beauty queen with mesh sewn to her tongue, was Venezuela). The show, a sort of modern imagining of the Prosperi/Jacopetti Mondo movies as hosted by a perky cross between Alexa Chung and Fiona Apple (Billie JD Porter), focused on the seeming contradiction between a society so liberal about sex (Argentina was, for example, the first Latin American country to legalize gay marriage) yet guided by the Catholic church.

Pople Drank: What's Up With Pope Francis and His Pipe Thing?

Ken Layne · 12/04/13 01:44PM

Pope Francis is a different kind of pontiff, a friendly and humble Jesuit who loves to hang out on the corner with his people. But what's that bowl-pipe thing he carries around and frequently takes a hit off? It's a mate cup with a silver straw. And it's how you drink the caffeine-loaded "national infusion" of Francis' homeland, Argentina.

Lacey Donohue · 11/13/13 11:27PM

Justin Bieber continued his shithead streak in South America this weekend, getting caught on video mistreating Argentine flags on stage. Insulting Argentina's flag is a crime punishable by up to four years in jail, but unfortunately he made it home safe without being imprisoned.