In the New York Times today, Somini Sengupta explores the widespread epidemic of people posting things on Facebook that are not true. Yes—we're as shocked as you. False identities flourish on Facebook's lawless frontier. Thankfully, at least one fraudulent perpetrator may now be brought to justice.

Are you friends with Colleen Callahan? Do you know her? Do you really know her? Do you??

The ubiquity of Facebook, some users say, compels them to be a little bit fake. Colleen Callahan, who is 25, is among them. She was a senior in college when she started getting slightly nervous about the pictures that a prospective employer might find on Facebook. Like the pages of most of her college friends, she said, hers had a preponderance of party pictures.

"It would be O.K. if people saw it, but I didn't want people to interpret it differently," she said. So Ms. Callahan tweaked her profile. She became Colleen Skisalot. ("I am a big skier," she explained.)

ATTENTION: The humble Colleen Skisalot is not the non-partying "good girl" of the slopes that you may have imagined. We salute Colleen Callahan's decision to finally bring her dark subterfuge into the daylight once and for all. Today is the first day of your spiritual freedom, Colleen Callahan. Though only time will tell whether Almighty God will forgive you for having party pictures on your Facebook page, the decision you have made to expose your ruse in a national media outlet can only be seen as one of courage.

Except by Colleen Skisalot's boyfriend, Johnny Skiperson, the teetotaling Christian ski instructor who's just found out that his beloved is not what he thought.

This is the Times' most shocking exposé since they revealed that Nathaniel Wartzman's friends were smoking weed.

[NYT. Photos: Shutterstock, NYT]