[There was a video here]

Justin Bieber is in a cranky mood these days, which means he's either teething or ruing the day that his mother ever pushed him into a life of public scrutiny and emotional dwarfism. On Sunday's American Music Awards, he dedicated one award to his haters and, during his Artist of the Year (ha, Artist of the Year, can you imagine?) acceptance speech, he moaned, "It's hard growing up with everything going on, with everyone watching me."

The day before, he got into a squabble with a paparazzo that was following him. He ended up holding up traffic so that he could harangue the photog over his line of work. The video footage, which Entertainment Tonight posted yesterday, shows Swaggy Doo getting scrappy and barking from his nondescript, not-at-all-for-attention Ferrari, "I don't like you." Big words from a big boy.

"How do your parents think about what you do?" he also asks, which doesn't really make sense but that's probably because he is still learning how to talk. Ultimately, a civilian asks him to move and he zooms off. The sound is a Big Wheel vomiting.

This isn't his first time at the paparazzi rodeo. He's also going through that existential crisis as a result of his breakup with Selena Gomez. Life is hard. Fondue is scarce. Being a celebrity is the best and worst thing and a meltdown is always just a missed ass kiss away.

This is kind of my favorite Bieber era, though. He's bringing another element of unintentional humor to his public profile. More of this, please.