Lindsay Lohan Learned Valuable Lessons (About Fake Crying) in Jail

No need to fret over the recent news that Lindsay Lohan could be headed back to jail very, very soon. It turns out, Lindsay Lohan ain't even mad at jail. Jail makes her a better fake-crier.
Speaking to Us Weekly, the actress revealed that she, like a 15-year-old on Twitter, ~*~hAs No ReGrEts~*~ regarding any of what an outsider might characterize as major life missteps.
She does not regret popping in and out of rehab constantly, like it's a hot new club. She does not regret this photo shoot [NSFW]. She does not regret her rather lengthy arrest record (six times, by Us Weekly's count.) She regrets nothing.
"[I regret] nothing, because then I wouldn't have been able to cry in scenes at the drop of a hat.
I have it tattooed: LIVE WITHOUT REGRETS. I'm not saying I wanted to go to a jail cell, but I've drawn from all of it."
Every brush with the law is a teachable moment. Every visit to prison: a field trip.