Susan Boyle Temporarily Regains Relevance by Inviting Her Twitter Followers to an 'Anal Bum Party'

Britain's Got Talent runner-up Susan Boyle has been trying to find her way back to the headlines for some time now. The good news is that she's finally succeeded.
The bad news is that she's had to accidentally invite thousands to an "anal bum party" to make it happen.
While attempting to promote her upcoming compilation Standing Ovation: The Greatest Songs From The Stage, Boyle's PR team tweeted out an announcement that the Scottish singer will be hosting an "exclusive album listening party" where she will be answering questions from fans.
To help spread the word, the hashtag #susanalbumparty was tacked on to the tweet. It was supposed to spell out "Susan Album Party," but instead, for the majority of literate adults with a juvenile mind, it ended up spelling out "Su's Anal Bum Party."
Once Twitter caught wind of the gaffe, it was only a matter of hours before the hashtag was trending worldwide.

Given that this was the promoters' desired outcome, many began to wonder if this was their intent all along. "Her social media team are either very naiive or geniuses," tweeted author Phil Stead.
It seems, however, that the former is likely true.
Is Twitter Wrong?, which does commendable work trying to determine the veracity of popular Twitter rumors, tracked down the original tweet from Susan Boyle's official Twitter account and noted that the hashtag was quickly changed to #SusanBoyleAlbumParty to avoid any confusion.
But, as anyone will tell you, once an anal bum party gets started, there's no stuffing it back in the box.
[photo via AP]