According to a Swedish study, men who were weak as teenagers are more likely to die prematurely. The study, which tracked roughly a million men over a period of 24 years, found that men who, as teenagers, had stronger leg and arm muscles (and a stronger grip) had a 20-35% lower risk of early death from any cause.

They also found strong kids had a 20-30% lower risk of death by suicide and a 65% lower risk of major psychiatric ailments.

Weaklings, on the other hand, were most likely to croak by their mid-50s.

Scientists think the results reflect the advantages of physical activity in general, rather than pure strength.

A spokeswoman for the British Heart Foundation said: "The benefits of being physically active at any age are well established with studies showing it can prevent children from developing diseases later on in life, as well as improving their concentration at school, their overall mental health and well-being."

That said, there's no need to rush out and start doing pull-ups; the study "did not show doing more exercise would necessarily prolong your life."

"Sadly the trials of an intervention to increase exercise have not shown notable benefits, though that does not discourage me and many others from exercising," Prof Evans said.

In other words, if you were weak as a kid you can repeat your Thanksgiving gluttony everyday forevermore because, at this point, you're basically doomed anyway.

[Image via Shutterstock]