Gift Guide Roundup: The Best Gifts for Millennials Who Ironically Hate Everything

Last week, we asked you what to buy for those members of the "Millennial" generation who ironically hate everything. Remember? Sure you do. Well then: here are five good ideas. Buy them or not, whatever. Everything sucks.

Pogs. Remember that shit? Pogs. Those are coming back. [Cheap, eBay]
Via Canned Poodle

A Bacon-of-the-Month Club membership provides your Millennial with a dozen varieties of "premium bacon from one of America's finest bacon artisans." Is the whole bacon fetish really a Millennial thing, or are we projecting the bacon fetish onto them from a generation away? Who cares? [$99-$149, The Pig Next Door]
Via etotheb

This Lumberjack Beard Beanie really is something. Just look at that thing. Man oh man. [$45, Beard Beanie]
Via Camille

Nothing says "Hey, I am superficially familiar with the Jack Kerouac ethos, and wish to be enveloped by its devil-may-care halo" like a Jack Kerouac t-shirt. Your Millennial will probably wear this t-shirt all the time, or not. [$20-$40, Zazzle]
Via ItsJackKelly

A Thought Catalog E-Book is the perfect gift for the literary Millennial that you loathe, and who loathes themself. Topics range from "things that twenty-somethings think about themselves," to "things that twenty-somethings thought about themselves when they were teenagers." [$2.99-$4.99, Thought Catalog]
Thanks for your suggestions. We'll take more in the comments below.