Yesterday, actor Angus T. Jones appeared in a testimonial for Forerunner Christian Church, asking viewers to "please stop watching" his hit show Two and a Half Men because it's "filling [your] head with filth." While his assessment of his show was certainly accurate, the testimonial had far more to do with Jones's recent conversion to conspiracy-laden evangelicalism (Forerunner Christian Church's mission statement on Facebook: "THE FORERUNNER- is dedicated to proclaiming the TRUTH that you need to know! " TO LIVE & TO DIE FOR THE TRUTH" is the moto [sic], and Jesus Christ is our General. He gives the orders...we put in the work!") than it did with actual comedic taste.

Now, Jones says his comments were either misstated or misunderstood. In a statement published in Us Weekly, the 19-year-old actor said:

"I have been the subject of much discussion, speculation and commentary over the past 24 hours. While I cannot address everything that has been said or right every misstatement or misunderstanding, there is one thing I want to make clear.Without qualification, I am grateful to and have the highest regard and respect for all of the wonderful people on Two and Half Men with whom I have worked and over the past ten years who have become an extension of my family.

"Chuck Lorre, Peter Roth and many others at Warner Bros. and CBS are responsible for what has been one of the most significant experiences in my life to date," he continued. "I thank them for the opportunity they have given and continue to give me and the help and guidance I have and expect to continue to receive from them. I also want all of the crew and cast on our show to know how much I personally care for them and appreciate their support, guidance and love over the years. I grew up around them and know that the time they spent with me was in many instances more than with their own families. I learned life lessons from so many of them and will never forget how much positive impact they have had on my life."

It's possible he felt bad about throwing his colleagues under the bus. It's also possible he realized he'd miss that $350,000 per episode paycheck.

[Image via AP]