Does Your Daughter Come with the Car?: Dad Posts Sexy Photos of His Daughter on eBay to Boost Sales [UPDATE]

Kim Ridley is unapologetic.
"If I felt bad about it, I wouldn't do it," he told AdFreak in response to some uproar over his use of sexy photos featuring his own flesh-and-blood daughter to enhance his car listings on eBay.

Ridey, who owns Ridley's Rides in Eugene, Oregon, has made a habit of using his daughter Lexxa and her friends to model cars for him. "Girls and dogs attract people's attention," he says, noting that he also involves his golden retriever Max in photoshoots.
Not surprisingly, the questionable daddy-daughter relationship isn't sitting well with everyone.
"The fact that a father has no problem objectifying and sexualizing his own daughter for personal game is just so disturbing," writes Lindsay Cross at Mommyish. "To see no problem with these obviously exploitative photos is completely insane. This is the man's child. It's the girl he is supposed to love and protect, not take scantily-clad photos of to sell old cars."

Personally, I'm conflicted. On the one hand, it does seem explicitly exploitative and wrong. On the other hand, Lexxa is twenty years old and capable of making her own decisions.
On the third hand, ew.
UPDATE: Ridley confessed to KVAL News that Lexxa is actually a long-time friend not his offspring, and that the whole "daughter" thing was a "joke that maybe went a little too far."