Gift Guide Roundup: Gifts for People Who Instagram Their Cats

Last week on Black Friday, we asked you to suggest gifts for cat caretakers who post their feline friends on Instagram, but aren't stereotypically sad lonely weirdos. Many of you were too busy buying cases of discounted Furbies or doing something stupid with your families and didn't bother to help us and I'll have you know my cat is seriously pissed. But those of you who did offer us help, here's a note of gratitude from my cat: ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc43df jmy6 RT n09t69.* nm2œΩ3yyyyyyyyy45 uyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. <—-That's real by the way.
Here are your most notable ideas:

GoosePhat improved upon our Cat Flag shirt suggestion with this My War album cover knock-off. Okay, this is awesome.
(Etsy, $24.99 or Red Bubble, where it's available in blue, $24.54)

Our very own Lauren Bertolini suggests a cat tipi, which is a lot classier than a Budweiser 30-pack box. Bonus points for the woefully ridiculous product description: "There's a princess in every cat," which makes sense because I've always thought my male cat was secretly gay.
(United Bamboo, $58.00)

TORQUIL11 recommends a robot vacuum. "I'm one of those cat people too. What I really need is a Roomba—I can't keep up with this asshole's fur everywhere." Expensive, but TORQUIL11's right: cats are filthy assholes.

Crown_Jew passes along this faux-turntable cat scratcher. Looks cute, but be forewarned, it doesn't work.
(ThinkGeek, $34.99)

Commenter-X thinks all cat caretakers are sexless losers and suggests you buy them "a year's subscription to eHarmony." Ah, but why outright insult them when you can turn the dickish gesture into a joke and hand them an IOU with the url for Purrsonals, the site "where cat lovers greet and meet"? H8Rs gonna h8.
(Purrsonals, free with the cost of your dignity)

To compensate for that last clunker, we recommend this wonderfully weird Wowch T-shirt with a cat's head stuck on a sexy lady's bikini body. Will make you feel funny inside.
Have better ideas? Obviously we could use the help.