Arizona governor Jan Brewer has left the state on "official business," but her aides refuse to say where she's gone.

In an email to reporters, Brewer's spokesman Matthew Benson said the governor would be absent for the duration of the week, and that her whereabouts would be disclosed "in a few days."

Secretary of State Ken Bennett, who is acting governor in Brewer's absence, participated in the general election canvass yesterday, much to local lawmakers' dismay.

"It is disappointing that the state's top elected official seems to have such little interest in the results of this election," House Minority Leader Chad Campbell (D-Phoenix) told the Associated Press.

Arizona election officials stirred controversy after leaving more than 600,000 ballots uncounted on election day — over a quarter of all ballots cast in the state.

There has been at least once Brewer sighting so far — on a Washington D.C.-bound flight.

Whatever Brewer has planned for the week is apparently more important that hosting the Western Governors' Association meeting, the second day of which she skipped entirely.

Guesses as to where the governor went are unacceptably slim, and mostly revolve around "the Appalachian Trail" and "John McAfee's hideout."

Please do better in the comment section below, keeping in mind this is a woman whose claim of "headless bodies in the desert" was debunked by Fox News.

[photo via AP]