Subway Shoving Suspect Pleads Not Guilty, Claims Self-Defense

The man police believe pushed 58-year-old Queens man Ki Suk Han onto the tracks of the 49th Street subway station and left him there to die was formally charged with second-degree murder yesterday.

But despite reportedly confessing to the crime, 30-year-old Naeem Davis pleaded not guilty at his arraignment.
Davis further claimed that he was acting in self-defense when he shoved the victim, telling police "he attacked me, he grabbed me."
According to Davis, Han was drunk and carrying a knife, but Assistant District Attorney James Lin disputed Davis's story, saying the former Deli employee calmly gathered his things and left the station after seeing the train deal Han a fatal blow.
Earlier reports said Han's wife Serim Han told police he had been drinking prior to leaving the house, and a law enforcement source told the Post Han was carrying a bottle of vodka at the time of his death.
Witnesses testified that Han and Davis were arguing loudly before the incident, and at least one witness named Han as the aggressor.
Davis, who has multiple burglary and theft priors, remains in custody and is being held without bail.
Meanwhile, Han's only daughter Ashley spoke out for the first time yesterday about the controversy surrounding the lack of response to her father's ordeal from fellow subway patrons.
"The thought of someone helping him up in a matter of seconds would have been great," she told reporters, but added, "what's done is done."
[photos via AP]