Attention all: this is not a promotional photo of Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock, it is Alec Baldwin's brother, Stephen's actual, honest to God mugshot.

Stephen, the youngest of the Baldwin brothers four, was arrested yesterday in Rockland County, New York for failing to pay his taxes in 2010. And 2009. And 2008. He allegedly owes more than $350,000 in taxes and penalties.

Baldwin has pleaded not guilty and has since been released from jail on his own recognizance. His lawyer, Russell Yanwitt tells the Los Angeles Times:

Mr. Baldwin did not commit any crimes, and he's working with the district attorney's office and the New York State Tax Department to resolve any differences.

Baldwin is charged with failure to file state income taxes, a felony, for which he could face up to four years in prison. He's due back in court February 5.

[Image via AP]