You're all too forthcoming with your BEST OF 2012 OR FIGHT ME ✌ Spotify playlists, but can you offer us something actually useful, like a working list of podcast episodes that were pretty great this year?

To us, the best podcasts feel like eavesdropping on thoughtfully honest conversations, dialogues that're far more organically insightful than any stilted panel circle jerk or punchline-constructed televised banter. (Though sometimes, adversity can be entertaining, like when Gallagher stormed out on Marc Maron last year.) But many many many podcasts suck donkey, which is why we only bother with these things sparingly, and only commit to sure things, like, say, Alec Baldwin's Here's The Thing conversation with Lorne Michaels.

(Yes, we already know John Cook and Hamilton Nolan talked to Richard Rushfield, Julie Klausner brought Max Read and Adrian Chen on How Was Your Week, and Adrian also turned up on Longform—though if you didn't, by all means, help yourself.)

Surely you, as members of that coveted educated online consumer market, have other recommendations from the past year. Kindly leave them below. We need something to offset this glacial week.

[image via RTimages /Shutterstock]