Pope Benedict XVI made his much-hyped Twitter debut today, and immediately started clogging up everyone's Twitter feeds with his random observations about life.

He kicked things off by blessing everyone from his heart (#teambreezy):

And then opened the floor to his first weekly Ask Me Anything-style live questioning session, in which will accept questions about pope-ish things from the 500 million professional comedians who make up Twitter's user base.

Questions can be submitted to the Pope using the hashtag #askpontifex. Many people have already written in asking some variation of "S'up dawg," which is hilarious and probably when the Pope saw it he was like "'S'up?' Pardon me, what does ‘s'up' mean?" haha oh my God, they got him haha so great #legend.

On the subject of faith and building materials, @pontifex said "God is the solid rock upon which we build our lives and his love is always faithful." He also gave people some ideas of fun things to do with Jesus (speak to him in prayer, listen to what he tells you in the gospels, look for him in those in need, plan a homemade picnic for a fun, low-key date, etc.).

As previously reported, the Pope does not physically send the tweets himself, though he does compose and approve them.

According to USA Today, the Pope will answer another question before noon Eastern today. #addictedtotwitter lol.

[Twitter // Image (of the Pope tweeting in 2011) via AP]