The Hartford Courant is reporting police have responded to a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Local police say they got a call around 9:40 this morning about a shooter in the school's main office.

Right now, very little information has been released, but the Courant is reporting there were two shooters, one is dead, the other may still be at large. Several people are reportedly injured as well.

Newtown has a population of about 27,000 and is located in western Connecticut.

UPDATE 10:46 AM: NBC Connecticut is streaming live coverage on its website, including phone interviews with parents who have children who attend Sandy Hook Elementary.

UPDATE 11:00 AM: A Danbury Hospital official confirms three patients have been admitted from the scene at Sandy Hook Elementary. She would not say whether their injuries were gunshot wounds, however.

UPDATE 11:14 AM: NBC Connecticut just aired a live interview with a parent who claimed she'd been told the school's principal was shot and is dead. That report is not confirmed.

UPDATE 11:22 AM: NBC New York is reporting there has only been one fatality so far, the shooter.

UPDATE 11:31 AM: NBC Nightly News reports the shooter was an adult and two handguns have been recovered from the scene at Sandy Hook Elementary.

UPDATE 11:51 AM: The Associated Press reports a teacher was also wounded in the shooting and the Hartford Courant is now reporting there were "multiple deaths" as a result of the shooting. Police are supposed to give more information at a news conference at 1:00 p.m. EST.

UPDATE 11:52 AM: The Hartford Courant has confirmed that children are among the dead after this morning's shooting.

UPDATE 11:58 AM: Neighboring schools are also on lockdown. Reddit has a thread by someone who claims to be in one of those schools right now.

UPDATE 12:15 PM: CBS News has learned the gunman was possibly the father of a student at Sandy Hook Elementary.

UPDATE 12:32 PM: Federal law enforcement is now saying there were more than a dozen people shot and killed this morning.

UPDATE 12:53 PM: The Associated Press now cites an anonymous official who 27 people are dead, 18 of them are children. Columbine's death toll was 15; 32 died in the Virginia Tech massacre.

UPDATE 1:15 PM: The latest information on the shooter is that he was 20 years old. It's still unclear what his connection to the school was.

UPDATE 1:20 PM: SWAT is now searching the home of the suspected second shooter.

UPDATE 2:16 PM A parent of the shooter has been found dead in a home in New Jersey, according to NBC News.

UPDATE 2:23 PM: CNN has identified the shooter as Ryan Lanza. NBC News is reporting Lanza's mother was a kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary and it was in her classroom where most of the violence occurred, she is one of the dead.

[There was a video here]

UPDATE 2:57 PM: Here is video of a news conference held around 1:40 this afternoon. Officials don't take any questions from reporters, but do confirm some vague details about this morning's shooting. President Obama is set to make a statement at 3:15 EST.

UPDATE 3:13 PM: Updated information on alleged shooter from the Associated Press: 24 years old, police have his younger brother in custody.

UPDATE 3:15 PM: President Obama has ordered all flags at half-staff through sunset on Dec. 18.

UPDATE 3:21 PM: NBC's Pete Williams reports everyone in the shooter's mother's classroom was killed.

UPDATE 3:29 PM: A relation of shooter's has been found dead at a separate crime scene in Newtown, CT.

[There was a video here]

UPDATE 3:56 PM: Here is the statement made by Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy. He called today's events a "tragedy of unspeakable terms." After him, Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance spoke to reporters, clearing up some confusion. He refused to name the shooter, but confirmed that the 27 death are 20 children, 6 adults and the shooter. Lt. Vance also stated that the shooter died at the scene of the shooting, though he did not clarify whether the shooter was killed by police or suicide. Vance confirmed that one other person died in a separate scene in Newtown and that the school shooting was limited to two rooms in the school.

UPDATE 4:22 PM: The Associated Press is clearing up mixed reports: 20-year-old Adam Lanza is the shooter, his older brother Ryan is in custody being questioned. AP is also claiming Lanza's death was by suicide.

UPDATE 5:05 PM: WTNH-TV reports Nancy Lanza, the shooter's mother, was found dead in her Newtown home, and not in Sandy Hook Elementary School.

[Image via AP]