Here's Obama Meeting With Families of the Sandy Hook Shooting Last Night

The White House didn't release any photos of President Obama meeting last night with some families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Shooting — but the families themselves did, and they're heartbreaking. On the left, the President with members of the family of Emilie Parker, who was six; on the right, Obama with the granddaughter of Sandy Hook principal (and hero) Dawn Hochsprung.
"My mom would be SO proud to see President Obama holding her granddaughter," Dawn's daughter Cristina Hassinger tweeted. "But not as proud as I am of her."
Ah, whoops, do you have dust in your eye, too? The president met with the families of 13 of the victims. Emilie Parker's family, who've set up a memorial page on Facebook, shared several photos of the meeting:

Here's a photo of Emilie herself. Instructions for donating to the Emilie Parker Fund are located on her Facebook page.