
'In One Word, Daniel Was a Light': Families of Sandy Hook Victims Speak Out on Katie

Robert Kessler · 12/17/12 07:35PM

Today's episode of Katie was dedicated completely to last Friday's Sandy Hook shooting. Katie Couric spoke with a handful of people during the show: a pastor, a family who lost a child at Columbine, but nothing was more heartbreaking than hearing from two families who had lost children just three days ago.

Father of Sandy Hook Victim Gives Heartbreaking Speech: 'The World Was a Better Place Because She Was In It'

Taylor Berman · 12/16/12 03:13PM

Robbie Parker, the father of one of Sandy Hook Elementary's young victims, gave a heartbreaking speech to the media Saturday evening after officials released the names and ages of those killed in the shooting. The speech is devastating. Fighting back tears, Parker described his six-year-old daughter Emilie's life, saying she was brave and loved to try new things (except for new food), and said the "world was a better place because she was in it." He added that Emilie was "an exceptional artist and she always carried around her markers and pencils so she never missed an opportunity to draw a picture or make a card for someone." He told reporters that, if she'd survived, Emilie would've wanted to help the families of victims.