After setting fire to the prayer room of a mosque in Ohio on September 30th, Randolph Linn of Indiana today pleaded guilty to the crime.

Under the terms of his plea deal, Linn will cut his 40-year jail sentence in half.

The St. Joe resident, who brought several firearms and gas containers with him to the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, told Judge Jack Zouhary he had become "riled up" after watching Fox News.

Linn also said he had been drinking heavily prior to driving his truck to the mosque, consuming as many as 45 beers in seven hours.

When asked by the judge if he knew any Muslim or what Islam is, Linn reportedly said, "No, I only know what I hear on Fox News and what I hear on radio."

"I know they don't believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior," he added, to which the judge responded, "there are others who don't believe in Jesus Christ." Linn then retorted: "They're not going around killing us."

"When you went through that door, you did not attack extremists or terrorists," Judge Zouhary said in his concluding remarks. "Instead, you attacked the place where families come to pray... Ironically, it's your own violence that was sinful and evil."

Sentencing has been scheduled for April 16, 2013.

[H/T: HyperVocal, mug shot via WNWO]