Daughter of the Year Puts Sleeping Pills in Parents' Milkshake So She Can Use the Internet

Unhappy with the house rule that no Internet was allowed after 10 PM, a 16-year-old from Northern California did what any psychopathic teen in her situation would do: She laced her parents' milkshake with prescription sleeping pills.
According to local authorities, the Rocklin teen suggested to her parents that they go out for milkshakes on the evening of December 28th, and even offered to treat.
The parents later recalled finding this odd, but went along anyway.
While mom and dad weren't looking, their daughter and a 15-year-old friend snuck crushed-up sleeping pills into their milkshakes, which the parents proceeded to consume.
Though they remember the milkshakes tasting odd, the parents still drank enough to knock them out an hour later.
Awaking the next morning and struggling to recall the events of the previous night, the parents confronted their daughter, who confessed to drugging them on two separate occasions.
The girl, who was initially the parents' foster child before they became her legal guardians, told investigators she thought the Internet policy at her house was "too strict."
She and her friend were subsequently both booked into Placer County Juvenile Hall on charges of conspiracy and willfully mingling a pharmaceutical into food.
The girl's mother said she hoped this would teach her daughter that drugging her parents is not okay.