'Teens' Caught Egging Suburban Home Turn Out to Be Off-Duty Officers

Newton, Massachusetts, is consistently voted among the safest cities in America. So it's no wonder, then, that police officers have plenty of time for extracurricular activities.
Like egging the home of a superior officer who lives in a neighboring town.
According to a report by police in Framingham, a call came in during the early morning hours of Tuesday, December 11, alerting officers to the presence of at least two male teenagers outside a local residence.
The concerned citizen claimed the teens had egged a house on Griffin Road before fleeing the scene in a red car.
Police caught up with the vehicle a short while later, only to find it occupied by two off-duty officers from Newton who promptly confessed to egging the home of their sergeant.
"It was a prank, a joke between friends," one of the officers said, according to the police report.
Back at the residence, Framingham police discovered a third accomplice — also a Newton cop — still hanging around.
No charged were filed, and the homeowner said he would deal with the incident "internally."
[photo via copcar dot com]