Justin Bieber Assaults Neighbor with Eggs, Terrifies His Young Daughter
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/10/14 11:51AM'Teens' Caught Egging Suburban Home Turn Out to Be Off-Duty Officers
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/04/13 09:52AMEgg-Pelting Hooligan Attacks Beyonce's Trailer Park Video Set
Maureen O'Connor · 08/04/11 02:46PM
Literally breaking: A "rowdy 23-year-old" snuck onto the set of Beyonce's music video set in a trailer park and screamed, "I can be a better dancer!" then threw an egg at a cop. So, the trespasser was either a wannabe backup dancer who just happened to have a raw egg in his pocket (comes in handy for spontaneous souffle-offs) or someone who is a better dancer than Beyonce. Baryshnikov, maybe.