
Bieber's Former Neighbor Sues Over Alleged Spitting Attack, Racial Slurs

Jay Hathaway · 03/20/15 09:15AM

Justin Bieber, transitioning into manhood before your very eyes on Comedy Central this month, won't be allowed to put his juvenile hooligan past behind him just yet. The former neighbor whose house Bieber famously egged is now suing him for an assault that allegedly took place two years ago.

Egg-Pelting Hooligan Attacks Beyonce's Trailer Park Video Set

Maureen O'Connor · 08/04/11 02:46PM

Literally breaking: A "rowdy 23-year-old" snuck onto the set of Beyonce's music video set in a trailer park and screamed, "I can be a better dancer!" then threw an egg at a cop. So, the trespasser was either a wannabe backup dancer who just happened to have a raw egg in his pocket (comes in handy for spontaneous souffle-offs) or someone who is a better dancer than Beyonce. Baryshnikov, maybe.

Egg-Throwing Brawl Erupts in Ukranian Parliament

Maureen O'Connor · 04/27/10 01:11PM

This will make you feel better about American legislators' childish antics: The Ukranian Parliament erupted into a brawl last night, with punching, egg-throwing, and opposition leaders setting off smoke bombs. The speaker shielded himself with an umbrella. Video and gallery.