A Las Vegas blackjack dealer who sold her story of sext and intrigue involving Anthony Weiner to Radar Online made an impromptu appearance on the former congressman's Facebook page to apologize for destroying his political career.

"So great to see you back!" wrote Lisa Weiss, a one-time Democratic Party worker, next to a photo of Weiner, his wife Huma Abedin, and their newborn son Jordan. "Your wife and son are beautiful! Please let me apologize again for any pain I caused your (sic) or the beautiful Huma…it was unintentional…I still think you are our liberal hero and we need you back in politics!!"

The mea culpa represents an about-face for Weiss, who in 2011 told Radar she decided to tell her story because Weiner was "a bad man" and "a liar."

Weiss, who also said she initiated the exchanges between herself and Weiner by sending him a personalized friend request, is apparently still Facebook friends with Weiner despite the scandal.

As for Weiner, he has been mostly mum since dropping out of the public spotlight, but a recent op-ed in the New York Daily News suggests he may still be eyeing a mayoral run next year.

[screengrab via Facebook]