18 Severed Human Heads Discovered in Package at Airport; Everyone Being Very Chill About It

Officials at Chicago's O'Hare Airport intercepted a package containing eighteen severed human heads a couple week ago, and are getting a little tired of everyone acting like it's weird.
"Everybody here is ‘Oh my gosh, you got a box of heads,'" Department of Homeland Security spokesman Brian Bell said to the Chicago Sun-Times, "and everybody thinks that it's unheard of."
We're with you, Brian. It's like, chill out, nerds. Yo, Brian, you want to go to the corner store to buy cigarettes? I steal money from my mom's purse all the time, no big deal, I'm not scared of the heads either.
Local news outlets are reporting that the eighteen heads are "still covered in skin," which is probably what you were already picturing, but isn't it creepy to have them specifically described that way?
The heads are said to have been shipped to Chicago from Italy, a country with many heads.
Authorities believe these ones were medical specimens intended for use in a scientific research or medical experiment.
They're currently in the process of verifying that the heads have proper documentation.
Foul play is not suspected in the collection of the 18 severed heads.