Satanists Are Now Supporting Florida Governor Rick Scott
Florida Governor Rick Scott made headlines recently after he was exposed as an awful, dog-abandoning political hack. Well, the hack part wasn't exactly news, but the dog-abandoning was. His approval rating was already low before the dog incident, so who in their right mind would throw their support behind him now? Satanists, that's who.
It seems as though Scott and the members of New York's Satanic Temple have an unexpected common interest: prayer in school. Scott is a supporter of Senate Bill 98, which gives students "sole discretion in determining whether an inspirational message is to be delivered" at a school assembly. The bill would also prevent school officials from influencing any inspirational messages. Satanic Temple spokesman Lucien Greaves thinks the bill would be great for Satanism, so much so that he plans to hold a rally to support the bill and Scott later this month.
Satanists feel that the policy "does a lot to support religious diversity," according to Greaves.
"The Satanic Temple embraces the free expression of religion, and Satanists are happy to show their support of Rick Scott who — particularly with SB 98 — has reaffirmed our American freedom to practice our faith openly, allowing our Satanic children the freedom to pray in school," the Temple said in a release announcing the rally.
When asked about the rally, Rick Scott's press secretary said, "This is a great country. Everyone has a voice." If any Satanists actually show up at the rally — and that's a big if — this will officially become the second most exciting thing to happen during Scott's term, after that bizarre lesbian sex scandal involving his Lieutenant Governor.
[Image via AP]