You may have forgotten the legendary gross-out porn-turned-viral video sensation "2 Girls, 1 Cup" — which sparked a wave of "reaction videos," some of which are compiled above — but the American justice system hasn't. (Poor American justice system, too, because, man, is that video disgusting.) Yesterday, Ira Isaacs, the man behind "2 Girls, 1 Cup" (though hopefully not in that way) was sentenced to four years in prison after being convicted on five counts of felony obscenity in April 2012.

His crimes? Recording and distributing porn featuring the following: women performing sex acts involving animals and human waste. Depending on how you feel about women fucking animals and eating shit, you'll consider yourself either lucky or unlucky that you were not one of the jurors in last April's trial forced to view those videos. Yesterday's ruling commenced a prosecution that lasts back to the Bush (heyo) years:

The jail time ends a long-running legal saga that saw two mistrials, including one in which sexually explicit material was found on a personal website of the chief justice of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, who was overseeing the case.

Isaacs was indicted as part of an effort by a Bush administration task force to crack down on smut in the United States. The unit has since been disbanded.

Isaacs's case is believed to be the last case of its kind in federal court.

Isaacs' 2008 trial was halted after Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, had sexually explicit material on a personal website.

That old saying about what "they" do to men in prison might need to be appended depending on what Isaacs does to "them." A hint for his fellow prisoners: It's not chocolate.

[UPDATE: So, Isaacs did not create "2 Girls, 1 Cup." Instead, he cited it in his defense. The Brazilian man who directed "2 Girls, 1 Cup" is not in prison, on account of being in Brazil. Isaacs' gross fetish porn is much less of a sensation — except, of course, to people into bestiality.]

[via Daily Mail, image via AP]