
Tom Scocca · 10/24/13 02:55PM

A faux-"natural" mother brags about leaving her newborn attached for days to its placenta, which she wrapped in disgusting PCB-laden industrial synthetic plastic bags till it finally fell off. That "musty smell" is the Goddess dying of chemical poisoning, you monster.

2 Girls, 1 Cup, 4 Years in Jail

Jordan Sargent · 01/17/13 07:10PM

You may have forgotten the legendary gross-out porn-turned-viral video sensation "2 Girls, 1 Cup" — which sparked a wave of "reaction videos," some of which are compiled above — but the American justice system hasn't. (Poor American justice system, too, because, man, is that video disgusting.) Yesterday, Ira Isaacs, the man behind "2 Girls, 1 Cup" (though hopefully not in that way) was sentenced to four years in prison after being convicted on five counts of felony obscenity in April 2012.

Entertainment Weekly Editor Jess Cagle Is a Hopeless Starfucker

Drew Magary · 07/17/12 04:30PM

Let me just preface everything here by saying that, as someone who is dumb enough to still subscribe to Entertainment Weekly, I deserve pretty much everything I get. In the age of affordable tablets and comprehensive pop culture sites like the AV Club and Vulture, anyone still paying $50 a year for Entertainment Weekly just so they have something to read at the gym is a moron. I get all that. Your scorn is accepted and understood.

The FDA's Guidelines for Eating Maggots

Maureen O'Connor · 05/18/11 01:37PM

Looking for new ways to stymy your appetite? Try the FDA's Food Defect Action Levels Handbook, a great new diet book guide for food distributors and inspectors. It details exactly how many maggots a comestible good may contain before it gets banned for "aesthetic" reasons, i.e., "being too icky."

This Man's Monday Was Crappier Than Yours

Adrian Chen · 09/27/10 10:16PM

A 28-year-old man spent an hour trapped on top of a bulldozer after it pitched into a 15-foot-deep manure pit while he was driving it. He should feel lucky: People would pay good money on Craigslist for this. (pic via)

Artsy Dad Parent Seeks Bed to Share with Daughter

Maureen O'Connor · 04/06/10 10:31PM

In Manhattan's "sublet/temp wanted" section of Craigslist, we find "director needs room": "I am looking for a room/apt. for myself and my daughter. We share a bed. Prefer midtown for UWS." Is that you, Woody Allen? Screenshot and Update.