Inaugurate 2: Inaugurate Harder

All of our 2013 Inauguration/Squirrel Appreciation Day coverage, in one place.

Beyoncé, President of the United Beyoncés, Rips Out Earpiece Mid-Song and Still Delivers Flawless Performance
The initial moments of Beyoncé's inauguration performance were fraught with confusion, after she opened her mouth to sing the national anthem and everyone realized that God had replaced the artist formerly known as Beyoncé with an actual living angel whose voice was more heavenly than a thousand Hallelujah choruses. More »

No One at the Inauguration 'Gets' Poetry
Today, with a deeply personal yet universally-minded work read at President Obama's second inauguration, Cuban-born gay poet Richard Blanco attempted to apply salve to some of our nation's sorest wounds with language. The nation's collective response? "LOL, what is this dumb-ass shit? Bring on Beyonce!" More »

'Scalia in a Really Weird Hat,' and Senator Claire McCaskill Is Creep-Shotting It
"Four years ago today I began tweeting," Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill wrote this morning. "One of my first tweets was a comment on Scalia's weird hat. Will he wear it again?" He did. And she took a creepshot of it. More »

Watch Obama Flub the Presidential Oath for the Second Time
For the second time in as many inaugurations, the president screwed up the oath of office. This time — unlike in 2009 — it wasn't even Chief Justice John Roberts' fault: Obama just stumbled over "the office of the President of the United States," settling for an embarrassed grin instead of finishing the sentence. More »

Sasha Obama Got A Little Bored During Her Dad's Speech and Let Out a Big Yawn
Over 2,000 words and not a single mention of her? Snooze City. "Poor sasha will be hearing about that yawn for the rest of her life," says Huff Post editor Peter Goodman. Maybe not for the rest of her life, but at least as long as reaction GIFs are a thing. More »

Who Was That Boy Flirting with the Obama Girls?
"WHO WAS THAT BOY?!" Twitter yelled, in a panic. Who was that boy with the hi-top fade, with the winning smile, and the silver tongue? Who was that boy flirting with Sasha and Malia? Doesn't he know Sasha is only 11? More »

Inauguration Day In Post-Racial America: George Stephanopoulos Thinks Bill Russell Looks Like Morgan Freeman
Never mind that Morgan Freeman looks nothing like the 6-foot-10 NBA Hall of Famer: The Celtics cap with Russell's number on it apparently wasn't enough of a clue for Stephanopoulos, either. More »

Embracing the Cool Porcelain of Our National Toilet: The Obama Hangover
The last time Barack Obama stepped up to an inaugural podium, the notion that we would spend four years with the Senate minority leader pledging not to pass a single item of legislation to help the president, the GOP House holding the American debt rating hostage, and countless party members whispering birther conspiracies and publicly sucking Donald Trump's feathered, blowdried asshole would have sounded like lunacy. Now it sounds like a Thursday. More »

A Look Back at the Last Day You Felt Unreservedly Good About Barack Obama: Inauguration 2009
For four years, we've had a radicalized and intractable opposition, a sluggish economy, widening inequality, and an ever-lengthening "Kill List" of extrajudicial, extralegal assassinations. But we'll always have the 2009 inauguration. More »

Today is 'Blue Monday' On Fox and Friends, For Reasons Totally Unrelated to Obama
This morning, January 21, 2013, is the "most depressing day of the year" says Steve Doocey of Fox and Friends. Why? Because of "drab weather, holiday bills, and resolutions we have not met." More »

Lupe Fiasco Booted from Stage at Inauguration Party Following 30-Minute ‘Anti-Obama Rant'
Asking a rapper who once called President Obama "the biggest terrorist" to headline an inauguration party might seem like a recipe for a fiasco. More »
[photo via Getty, image by Jim Cooke]