
Robert Kessler · 02/07/13 06:06PM

Michelle Obama will attend the funeral for the 15 year old shot to death just days after performing at the inauguration.

Beyoncé's Lip-Synching Makes Aretha Franklin Giddy, Incoherent

Rich Juzwiak · 01/23/13 12:15PM

Some went through the stages of grief when word emerged that Beyoncé lip-synched "The Star Spangled Banner" at Monday's Presidential Inauguration. Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul and Saying Weird Things in Public from Time to Time (remember the Kathie Lee beef of 2012?), however, was tickled by the news and may emulate Beyoncé going forward. Or something. Franklin told that she thought King Bey "did a beautiful job," adding (and here's the weird part):

Cord Jefferson · 01/21/13 06:32PM

This graphic from the Times identifies the notables sitting behind Obama at the inauguration. Can you find Eva Longoria?

Al Roker Loses His Shit (Metaphorically This Time) After Meeting Joe Biden

Kate Bennert · 01/21/13 06:15PM

Not to be forgotten, Al Roker—TV news correspondent, Today Show weatherman, and White House sharter—made everyone uncomfortable again today when he shouted insanely at the President and Vice President until they acknowledged his existence. "I love Joe Biden," said Al Roker, as he rocked back and forth like a small child waiting in line for the bathroom. Biden, ever-suave, ducked out of the parade to shake Mr. Roker's hand and that was that.

Caity Weaver · 01/21/13 05:52PM

Love words but hate coherence? Here's a randomly edited, much shorter version of Obama's inaugural address, via the NYT.

Your Inauguration 2013 Yearbook

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 05:50PM

Today Washington, D.C. was all atwitter with the graduation of President Obama from first-term president to second-term president. Here is your Inauguration 2013 yearbook.

Prose Poem the News: Oh My God, James Franco Wrote a Poem about the Inauguration

Caity Weaver · 01/21/13 04:45PM

Recently, Yahoo! News commissioned a couple Pulitzer Prize winners and also James Franco to write poems on the subject of Barack Obama's second inauguration. The full text of James Franco's poem is available here. You also have the option of watching him read the poem into a webcam while lying down in bed wearing a t-shirt, which we highly recommend doing, if only for the funny way he says "little burrito place." Here, I've responded to James Franco's poem with a poem.

No One at the Inauguration 'Gets' Poetry

Cord Jefferson · 01/21/13 01:45PM

Famed German poet Novalis once said of poetry, "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." Today, with a deeply personal yet universally-minded work read at President Obama's second inauguration, Cuban-born gay poet Richard Blanco attempted to apply salve to some of our nation's sorest wounds with language. Just his presence was historic and somewhat healing in and of itself: Blanco is the first Latino and first openly gay inaugural poet in America's centuries-long history. (Read the full text here.) The nation's collective response? "LOL, what is this dumb-ass shit? Bring on Beyonce!"