Lone Star College Locked Down after Three Wounded in Shooting

At least three people sustained multiple gunshot wounds today at Lone Star College in Houston, Texas, apparently the result of an argument in which guns were drawn. One of the two alleged shooters is in custody, and the college says the "situation is under control."
According to Lone Star, the shooting occurred at 12:31 local time. Of the three injured individuals, one was a shooter and the other two were caught in the crossfire.
Shooting around 12:31 today at LSC-North Harris between two individuals,three shot.Danger has been mitigated. Situation under control.
— Lone Star College (@lonestarcollege) January 22, 2013
According to CNN, a fourth person suffered a heart attack at the scene. KRTK reports:
At least two students have told Eyewitness News they heard five shots. One girl said sounded as if they occurred outside, in an area between the library and the cafeteria. Other students say they heard gunshots when they were in cafeteria.
One of the victims is said to be speaking. NBC's Pete Williams is reporting that the shooting "MAY be gang-related"
ATF & FBI are enroute to #Lonestar college.Some indication that this MAY have been gang-related, reports @petewilliamsnbc
— John Baiata (@JBaiata) January 22, 2013
Lone Star College is a two-year community college. In 2011, the Texas State Senate nearly passed a bill allowing concealed handguns on public college campuses; last week, the effort was revived in the new legislative session.